V Phone GAGA GL tools settings 100% working on any mobile and any game free fire PUBG No black screen errors no force closing errors
In this topic, I will explain what is VPhone GAGA and how we can use this application to install and run any game without force closing and without facing a black screen
HIGH FPS gameplay High Graphics MODE on FREE FIRE
What is VPhone gaga?
Simply V phone gaga is an application like Bluestacks, Nox but the difference is it's run on android. It will run on your phone as a second system with giving you access to the root without voiding the warranty of the phone. Here it will work as a virtual device and it will never do any changes to your original device. And also vphonegaga will give you a very different experience for you. Because it's a very functionalized application that runs with android 7.1 os. It will work on any device that has at least 2 GB ram.
What are the features of this application?
- It has inbuilt root access
- It comes with android 7.1 system
- No ads
- Best gaming experience with Gl Modifications
- You can get the rooted phone experiences with this application
- Playstore and play services
- You can remove root from vphone gaga if the game will not accept the root
- Fake device info
How we can install this application ?
You can simply download and install it on your mobile according to the bit version of your mobile. The 32bit version will work on both 64bit and 32bit devices, and the 64bit version only will work on 64-bit devices.
If you don't have an idea about the bit version of your mobile you can simply install this application and find whether your phone is 64 bit or 32bit.
How we can set up Vphone gaga?
- Firstly, you need to give access to vphone gaga for display over other apps.
- And then, you need to allow permission access to the app
- Then it will automatically be installed on your device,
- It will take some time to install in the first time, then it's not take much time
- If its stuck on 99% you need to force close and open it once again
Data isn't working on Vphonegaga how to fix it?
- Open the setting of vphone gaga (not sys settings)
- Click on more
- Goto Cellular networks
- Access point names
- Click on + Icon
- Set apn name and APN as default like this
- Click on the 3 dot menu for save and exit
- Then your data access will be enabled
How to import our games to vphone gaga?
- You can download it from play store
- Otherwise, Click on file transfer
- Add your favorite games
- Goto your original system and open the device file manager
- Then goto internal storage - android -OBB folder
- Find your OBB file (this will only work with original files application that has access to system modification/ If it's not working you can use Xplorer)
- Copy OBB file with its folder to another location
- Import that folder into vphone gaga
- Now install root browser classic to vphone gaga for place your obb into vphone gaga sdcard - android - obb folder
How to setting up gltools inside of Vphone gaga to work with any android game like FREE FIRE / PUBG
This video guide will help you to do this
All download links
Other than this if your phone is 64 bit device, you won't be able to import and run 64bit apps of 32 bit version of vphone gaga. So, please check before downloading this app whether the device is 32 bit or 64bit.
GLtools not working on Inside of vphone gaga to emulate with online and bigger size games. But its working with normal apps. We can use it's settings to Vphone gaga directly. So in this video I've explained how we can do that. And also HIGH FPS mode and HIGH GRAPHICS are working with these settings.
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