Windows 11 slower error fix | How to speed up slow computer
After installation of windows 11, many users have to face this windows slowing issue. Because of windows 11 is the latest windows version that launched by Microsoft. So, still its needed more updates to fix these performance issues of windows 11. But in the meantime, we can do some important and necessary things to improve the performance of windows 11. In this post I will briefly explain the process of improving performance of windows 11.
Method 1 - Updating windows to its latest version.
Windows 11 is the latest version of Microsoft. So, its needed more updates. Some persons are believing updates are slow down their PC. But the truth is, updates really need for a operating system. Because updates are came as some bug fixes for a OS. So those windows updates are also will help you all to improve the stabilization, device security, ability of fighting against malwares, ransomware and more things of your PC.
So is there is a windows update you all must update your PC to latest version. Open settings and click on windows updates to check updates.
Method 2 - Disable startup apps and startup services.
These are the applications and services that slows your device when turning on. So you can remove unnecessary and unwanted apps and services from there to fix the booting errors.
Open search and search for msconfig then launch system configuration. Now click services and tun on Hide all microsoft services tic. Then you can find all the services that starts with the starting of your PC. So you need to find all unnecessary apps from there and unmark them to disable them. But some times this process will stop your apps form starting. So you need to have small experience too. If you have facing that error you can re enable that service. Then click on apply and ok. (Don't click restart option now)
Then we need to disable unwanted startup apps. To do this open your Task manager with from pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys together. Now click on more details and go to startup apps. In here you can disable any app that not necessary to run when power on from right clicking on that app. You can also reach to this option from Setting - Apps - Startup path.
Method 3 - Defragment and optimize drives
With the time being, your hard drive can be fragment. So in such a case you need to de-fragment your hard disk to speed up your PC. But if you have a SSD don't do this. This method is only for HDD users. You can search and open this defragment and optimize drives application.
In here it will shows the latest de fragmented date. So if its a close day, you don't need to do that once again. After reaching to this step, select the drive or drives (You can select all drives at once from pressing Ctrl+mouse click on them) and optimize. This will take some time to complete (1-3h depends on the PC and hard drive).
Method 4 - Disable restartable apps
Prevent your background apps from automatically restarting. This method also will increase your performance of windows 11. Find this path and disable it,
Settings - Accounts - Sign in
Method 5 - Uninstalling unwanted apps
Uninstalling unwanted apps will also increase your PC performance. You can uninstall apps from following path. But don't uninstall OS based applications. Only do this for the apps that you have installed already.
Method 6 - Removing temporary and recycle bin files
- Right click on your Recycle bin and click on empty.
- Then press windows key + R button to open Run
- Now type %temp% and hit enter
- Then it will open a folder. You can delete all of these files.
Method 6 - Change power plan
You can also increase your PC performance by changing the windows power options. It's very helpful when you are going to play games. So you all can find this settings by searching for choose a power plan.
Then you can select power saver mode, balance mode or high performance mode from here. But if you are using a laptop, changing power plan to performance mode will increase your battery draining speed.
Other than this you can move for a RAM or Hardware upgrading process. Because its 2022 now. We can't expect high performances from a PC or Laptop without right hardware parts other than above mentioned things.
If you can buy SSD and move your windows installed partition to that SSD it will boost your PC performance by up to six times (according to google search)
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